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Complaints Resolution Policy

Privacy policy Please be informed about the policy of the merchant website. To maintain the confidentiality of customer information Or any person who has visited the merchant's website as follows

Communicating with customers

On the website Will contact you via email, phone and Line only, will consider contacting via email first. The subject of the email will notify you of the purpose of every contact.

If you want to contact back, whether it is a product or something else, you can contact them via the "Contact Us" page or by email or phone or Line ID according to the information provided on every page of the website. Which you will be contacted within 10 minutes

To visit the website [

You can visit the website of to find products and services of the store without you having to inform the website about yourself. If you want to receive news from the store You can register as specified by the store, which you can unsubscribe by sending an email to [email protected]

Our website By continually improving the website, the merchant may use a software device to collect information for information browsing behavior. Of those who visit the merchant's website, the store will use this information for the purpose of improving the website to reach the target audience effectively. The information collected will be information (1) date and time of the site visit, 2) page views, 3) time spent on the site, 4) search type, 5) Internet service providers and 6) Visits to various websites Both before and after visiting the merchant's website] May investigate the behavior of searching for information Of customers who are members of the website And use various services As part of the website's security process, merchants may use a "cookie" system to verify the authenticity of visitors to this website. A "cookie" system is information sent from the website to the website. The computer of the visitor to the website While the visitor is visiting the store's website, the "cookie" will be set by the store website. Which will collect your information as follows

• [IP Address)

• Browser type used to access.

• Web Pages to be visited.

Visited Time (Access Time)

• Referring Website)

Collection and storage of personal information

Information relevant to the website's customers will be used for the purpose of operating the store. And only legal Including Service optimization And use it to design products or services And various special offers Better than ever Which is in accordance with customer requirements Customer information will not be used, collected, or retained for any wrong purpose.

However, in the case of shops To collect information without the above-mentioned purposes, the store will collect your personal information by requesting it directly from you.


If you choose to provide the following personal information through the application process



Email, phone number or fax number

To the shop website As well as any business activity or transaction Your information to the merchant website and the merchant will keep those information confidential. Customer information will not be used. As required by law And will comply with the law

Information about the store's customers Will be collected And maintained during the store period And you still have business contact with each other. In addition, when you send e-mail to the store, the store will collect the content in the e-mail address of the e-mail and correspondence that e-mail for Answer questions for you Or for the need for follow-up and for

Check the interactions between customers and store staff. In which you have doubts that it has been resolved or not

Disclosure of personal information

Website Will not pass on or sell your personal information to other third parties. For the purpose of unauthorized use, the merchant will not disclose your personal information to any other organization unless: 1. You have requested and authorized the merchant website. Or 2. the information forwarded is to facilitate the successful initiation of your transaction, or 3. the disclosure of such information as permitted by law. Or as required by law, for example, the website May be requested to disclose information about the Store's customers by court order or subpoena. Or other departments Legally competent In this event on the website Will always contact you in advance

Website May enter into agreements with third-party service providers to develop and maintain the store's e-commerce system and to allocate resources or services on behalf of the merchant. Which third parties who come into operation for the shop Or entering the operation on behalf of the store must agree to maintain the customer information of the website. As a secret as well It also has to be bound by the law that is in force. Whenever on the website

 Has hired any other organization Came to support the service of the store Those organizations must follow Treatment standard