The Four C's
A diamond expert bases a diamond's beauty, value and cost on a set of criteria known as the Four Cs - cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Understanding the 4Cs will help you choose the most beautiful diamond for you.
The Four C's
A diamond expert bases a diamond's beauty, value and cost on a set of criteria known as the Four Cs - cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Understanding the 4Cs will help you choose the most beautiful diamond for you.
The transformation from rough stone to polish gem makes all the difference in the beauty of a diamond. finejewelthai.com carries diamonds that are the cut to maximize brilliance
Understanding Cut As you can see, the diamond with the correct proportions does a more effective job of refracting light out the top of the stone to your eye. The less-than-ideal cut diamonds allow some light to become lost out the bottom. There are many measurements that go into creating a diamond that truly maximize the refraction of light. Facets must be cut at exactly the right angles relative to one another; the top and bottom halves of the stone must have the proper depth relative to each other; the table, or flat surface on the top, must be the correct size, relative to the overall size of the stone. And, of course, the facets on the top (crown) and bottom (pavilion) must align correctly with each other. Here is a diagram showing a diamond’s basic proportions: These measurements and percentages are different for each diamond, and are all taken into account in the evaluation of a diamond’s cut. In fact, each diamond shape (heart, round, oval, emerald, etc.) has its own set of guidelines for what makes a Premium or Good cut. Another factor you’ll need to consider when choosing a diamond is its shape. Although ‘shape’ and ‘cut’ are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not the same. There are eight popular shapes into which diamonds are crafted: Round Brilliant - the most classic cut The Ideal Cut Diamond Although the proportions of an ideal cut vary depending on the source you talk to (from jeweler to jeweler, country to country), there are certain ranges that are generally accepted as capable of evoking the most desirable fire and brilliance from a stone. These ranges must cause the light entering the diamond to be reflected and dispersed through the table (top), not through the sides or bottom. But most of all, an ideal cut diamond must be cut to bring out the stone's brilliance and fire, not retain the most weight from the rough cut stone. Fine Silver & jewelry's Diamond Proportion Guidelines Below is a table listing each of our three cut grades for a round brilliant diamond (Ideal, Premium and Good). The table percentage given is the measurement of the diamond's table width, relative to the width of the entire stone (at its girdle, or widest point). This relationship is critical for maximum fire and brilliance: too small or too large a table can hamper the diamond's ability to disperse light properly, not to mention possibly causing the stone to appear smaller for its weight. The depth percentage listed is the length of the stone from table (top) to culet (bottom), expressed as a percentage of the diamond's width, measured at its widest point. This depth-to-width relationship is largely responsible for the diamond's being properly proportioned, resulting in the proper refraction of light and maximum fire and brilliance. Round Brilliant Diamond Cut Grades GRADE TABLE PERCENTAGE DEPTH PERCENTAGE It's important to note that some independent grading laboratories do not grade a diamond's cut, while others do. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), for example, does not give an evaluation of the quality of a diamond's cut, only the shape and measurements of the stone. It does, however, give the proportions of the diamond (depth and table percentages, girdle thickness, culet size (if any) as well as a general rating of the stone's finish, including its polish and symmetry. Symmetry Shape Choosing the best shape for you Round brilliant-cut diamonds show the most brilliance and sparkle of all the shapes. When it comes to hiding imperfections, the round brilliant cut is the king. Its design allows it to hide flaws and yellow tints better than diamonds of other shapes. In emerald cuts and baguettes, which have long, flat facets, flaws become the most obvious. Fluorescence The bottom line |
The closer a diamond is to colorless, the more valuable it is. A diamond from finejewelthai.com will have the least possible color for the price.
Understanding Color
The most important thing to know about diamond color is, in general, the less color a diamond has, the more valuable it is, all other factors being equal. Diamonds are found in nature in a wide range of colors, from completely colorless (the most desirable trait) to slightly yellow, to brown. So-called ‘fancy color diamonds’ come in more intense colors, like yellow and blue, but these are not graded on the same scale.
The diamond color grading system uses the letters of the alphabet from D through Z, with ‘D’ being the most colorless and therefore the rarest and most valuable, and ‘Z’ having the most color within the normal range, and being the least valuable, all other factors being equal. A diamond’s color is determined by looking at it under controlled lighting and comparing them to the Gemological Institute of America’s color scale, which is based on a set of diamonds of known color. Here is a diagram showing how a diamond’s color is graded:
Diamonds found in nature come in colors ranging from colorless to slightly yellow or brown, to more rare and costly pink, green or blue stones (commonly referred to as 'fancy' diamonds). Excluding 'fancy' diamonds, the ideal color for a diamond is colorless, although this is extremely rare.
A diamond's color is most accurately determined when it is not mounted in a setting, since settings can introduce tints of their own color into the diamond. This is more evident in yellow gold settings, and less so in white gold and platinum settings. Even a trained professional can't always tell the difference between close grades of color in a diamond if it is still mounted in a setting. For this reason, gemological laboratories such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gemological Society (AGS) will only grade diamonds that are unmounted.
Diamonds with a color grade of D, E or F are considered colorless; G, H, I and J are near colorless; K, L and M have a faint yellow tint; N, O, P, Q and R have a very light yellow tint and S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are light yellow. A diamond that is a D color is absolutely colorless, and is therefore the most valuable. However, it's important to understand that color alone does not determine the value of a diamond. All '4Cs' must be taken into account. A diamond of D color that has imperfections or is poorly cut is not as valuable as a stone of a lower color grade that has a superior cut and clarity.
The bottom line
A diamond's color also has a great impact on its cost. Since ''colorlessness'' is the most sought-after trait in terms of color, diamonds that are higher up on the color scale (e.g. D, E, F) will have a greater value. If a diamond with a specific cut, clarity and carat weight is moved to the next color grade, it's possible to see a significant increase or decrease in the per-carat price--all other factors being equal. The idea is to choose a diamond that is as high on the color scale as your budget will allow, taking all 4Cs into account.
Natural imperfections occur in most diamond, impeding the refraction of light and making the diamond less brilliant. Our diamonds feature top clarity grades to ensure their sparkle.
Understanding Clarity
Another vital diamond grading characteristic is their clarity. This refers to the number, position and size of the inclusions that occur naturally inside diamonds. The fewer and less obvious the inclusions, the more valuable the diamond. Here is an illustration that shows the clarity grading scale that has been established by the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Note: Diamonds are shown under 10X magnification):
F Flawless. The diamond shows no inclusions or blemishes of any sort under 10X magnification when observed by an experienced grader. Note: Truly flawless or internally flawless (F or IF on the GIA’s grading scale) diamonds are extremely rare.
IF Internally Flawless. The diamond has no inclusions when examined by an experienced grader using 10X magnification, but will have some minor blemishes.
VVS1, VVS2 Very, Very slightly included.The diamond contains minute inclusions that are difficult even for experienced graders to see under 10X magnification.
VS1, VS2 Very slightly included. The diamond contains minute inclusions such as small crystals, clouds or feathers when observed with effort under 10X magnification.
SI1, SI2 Slightly included.The diamond contains inclusions (clouds, included crystals, knots, cavities, and feathers) that are noticeable to an experienced grader under 10X magnification.
I1, I2, I3 Included. The diamond contains inclusions (possibly large feathers or large included crystals) that are obvious under 10X magnification and may affect transparency and brilliance.
It is these inclusions or blemishes that give each diamond its own unique fingerprint, making your particular diamond truly yours. In fact, the independent grading report that comes with every diamond we sell will show a diagram indicting any characteristic your diamond, indicating any blemishes your diamond may have, as well as their location. Click here to see what a grading report looks like. The most important thing to remember when it comes to clarity is that a diamond’s inclusions should not be noticeable to the naked eye, nor should they be so excessive that they affect the diamond’s durability.
A diamond's ability to refract and reflect light is what makes it so brilliant and so valuable. The way it does this is by allowing light to enter the top of the stone, reflect off the facets that have been cut by a diamond craftsman, and reflect out the top of the stone to your eye. So, the fewer obstacles to this pathway there are, the greater the diamond's clarity will be, which increases the diamond's value (all other characteristics being equal).
Most diamonds contain some blemishes (crystals, clouds, or feathers), which can be found inside the stone (called inclusions). Surface blemishes are not considered a major concern, since they can often be polished away. Crystals are mineral deposits trapped inside the diamond; clouds are small specks or hazy areas that give a milky appearance; and feathers are small cracks that are shaped like a bird's feather.
Naturally, inclusions that don't impede the light's passage through the diamond or visibly decrease its beauty will not have a substantial effect on its value. It is more important that any blemishes do not affect the stone's attractiveness or durability, than that the diamond be 'perfect'.
A diamond's clarity is measured using a jeweler's loupe (a small magnifying glass used to view gemstones) under 10-power magnification. The FTC requires all diamond grading be done under 10-power magnification; any inclusions not detected under this magnification are considered to be non-existent.
The bottom line
Since clarity is so critical, it will of course result in differences in value. If a diamond of a particular cut, color and carat weight is moved to the next clarity grade, it's possible to see a significant increase or decrease in the per-carat price - all other factors being equal. The object is to choose a stone with the greatest clarity grade your budget will allow, taking into consideration the other of the 4Cs as well
Carat Weight
A diamond's carat weight refers to its size. finejewelthai.com carries a range of carat weights, from less than a quarter carat to over 5 carats, so you can choose the diamond that looks best on her finger.
Understanding Carat Weight
A diamond’s weight is measured in what is known as a ‘carat’, which is a small unit of measurement equal to 200 milligrams. Carat is not a measure of a diamond’s size, since cutting a diamond to different proportions can affect its weight. (The word ‘Karat’ is used to express the purity of gold, and is not used in relation to diamonds.) Here is a diagram that shows the relative size of various carat weights in a diamond that is cut to the same proportions:
Note: the diamonds illustrated are not shown actual size.
The most important thing to remember when it comes to a diamond’s carat weight is that it is not the only factor that determines a diamond’s value. In other words, bigger does not necessarily mean better. All four Cs—Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight must be balanced in order to arrive at a diamond that fits your budget. None of the 4Cs is mutually exclusive, nor is any one more important than the others.
The word carat actually comes from the word carob (as in carob seeds), which is how ancient cultures measured the weight of diamonds on their scales. In 1913, however, the weight was standardized internationally and adapted to the metric system.
Although they can be measured when mounted in jewelry, diamonds are most accurately weighed when they are not mounted in a setting. In fact, gemological laboratories such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gemological Society (AGS) will only grade diamonds that are unmounted. A diamond grading report will tell you the exact carat weight, to the nearest hundredth of a carat, for that particular diamond. Each Carat is divided into 100 parts called 'points.' So a 1-carat diamond has 100 points, a ¾ carat has 75 points, etc. Points in a fraction of one carat are measured within ranges, so that a ¾ carat diamond may have between .69 and .82 points and still be considered a ¾ carat. Here's a table of size and weight ranges:
Carat Fractions and Their Decimal Equivalents:
Fraction Decimal Equivalent
1/10 = .09 - .11
1/8 = .12 - .13
1/7 = .14 - .15
1/6 = .16 - .17
1/5 = .18 - .22
1/4 = .23 - .28
1/3 = .29 - .36
3/8 = .37 - .44
1/2 = .45 - .58
5/8 = .59 - .68
3/4 = .69 - .82
7/8 = .83 - .94
1.0 = .95 - 1.05
Remember, all diamonds are not created equal. Two diamonds of equal Carat Weight may vary substantially in price due to their Cut, Color and Clarity. Also, a diamond's weight can be 'hidden' in different parts of the stone. For example, you can have a well-cut diamond, whose weight is distributed properly, a diamond that is cut too shallow to make it wider and heavier, but not the most brilliant, or one that is cut too deeply, to add weight to the bottom of the stone - again compromising its ability to radiate maximum brilliance. Visit Cut for more information.
The bottom line
The carat weight of a diamond is an extremely important determining factor in its value. Diamonds are valued on a per-carat basis. For example, a diamond of exceptionally high quality may sell for $20,000 per carat, while one of lesser quality may sell for $1,000 per carat. So, a three-carat stone could be $60,000 or $3,000, depending on its per-carat price. Diamond values also increase disproportionately as the size of the stone increases. In other words, a two-carat stone will not necessarily cost twice per carat than a one-carat stone. It could cost much more, since diamonds are rarer in larger sizes. As you take a stone of a particular cut, clarity and color and move its carat weight to the next price category, you may see quite a large increase in the price per carat. Remember that size isn't everything. When choosing a diamond, all 4Cs must be taken into account. The key is to strike a balance among them, while still working within your budget.
A diamond's certification is a guarantee of its quality. Our diamonds are certified by the world's most respected grading entities.
A certificate is a "fingerprint" of a diamond. A diamond grading report is a detailed explanation of a diamond's characteristics such as its cut, weight and dimensions. Many diamonds are certified by an independent laboratory so that purchasers can feel confident that their diamond is indeed of the quality the seller represents. A certified diamond's quality is guaranteed, and is therefore more valuable than an uncertified stone. A certificate verifies a diamonds identity and value and is recognized by all gemologists.
Diamonds are certified by independent grading entities whose expert gemologists evaluate each diamond's particular characteristics and attributes, such as clarity, cut, color, carat weight and other characteristics. Loose diamonds from finejewelthai.com are graded by either the , the world's most respected grading entities. These institutes including the HRD are known for their consistency, stringency and impartiality when grading diamonds.
Our Every Diamond is verified by our HRD Certified Diamond Grader (CDG) from HRD Institute, Antwerp (World Diamond Center), Belgium . With this diploma who possesses the basic expertise to recognize certain features in a diamond from HRD Institute, Antwerp, Belgium; features he/she can explain to prospective customers, giving him/her the ability to strengthen cleint relations. The CDG diploma is a professional diamond experience.
The majority of diamonds you'll find at finejewelthai.com come with a our report.
A diamond grading report from an independent laboratory is not an appraisal, which estimates the monetary value of a particular stone. It is an unbiased, informed opinion made by an experienced gemologist. You will receive the original certificate or report with your diamond order.
Purchasing loose diamonds accompanied by certificates allows one to comparison shop and know exactly what they are getting. The slightest change in diamonds grading can significantly alter its value
Caring for your diamond jewelry will ensure that it always looks beautiful, and that the settings are secure.
Diamonds - Care & Cleaning
Since your diamond is a valuable investment, you’ll want to take proper care of it to make sure it does indeed ‘last forever’. This section contains some basic tips to help keep your diamond looking its best.
Diamond Care
Cleaning Your Diamond
Traveling With Diamonds
Diamond Care
Diamonds must be kept clean and be stored carefully when they are not being worn, or are being packed for travel. Because most people wear their engagement ring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s essential that you’re always mindful of its care. Here are some more guidelines to help keep your diamond in top condition:
Avoid wearing your diamonds while doing housework, yard work or any other kind of rough work. Even though a diamond is extremely durable, a hard blow could chip it.
When doing household chores, never allow your jewelry to come into contact with chlorine bleach.
If you notice a loose stone setting, stones moving or any other noticeable damage to your jewelry, do not wear the jewelry until you have taken it to a professional jeweler. We recommend that you have a jeweler check the setting in your diamond ring (while you watch) once a year.
When you’re not wearing your diamonds, be sure to store them in a fabric-lined case or in a box with dividers or separate compartments--diamonds can scratch other jewelry as well as each other.
Cleaning Your Diamonds
Diamonds, like anything else, get smudged, soiled and dusty. Lotions, powders, soaps--even the natural oils from your skin--will create a film on diamonds, which will reduce their brilliance. In addition, chemicals in the air will oxidize or discolor the mountings. Keeping your jewelry clean will maximize its brilliance. Here are four ways Diamond.com suggests you clean your diamonds:
Detergent Bath:
Prepare a small bowl of warm suds using any mild household liquid detergent (be sure not to use any cleaners containing chlorine). Brush the jewelry with a soft brush until you have created a lather around it. With the jewelry on a plastic or metal strainer, rinse off with warm water (be sure not to clean your jewelry over the drain!) Pat your jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Cold Water Soak:
Make a solution of 4 parts cold-water and 1 part very mild dishwashing detergent. Soak the pieces for several minutes. Lift out and tap gently around all sides of the mounting with a soft brush. Rinse the pieces in the solution once more and drain on tissue paper.
Quick-Dip Method:
Buy one of the brand name liquid jewelry cleaners, choosing the one that is best for the kind of stones and metals in your jewelry. Read the label carefully and follow the instructions. Do not touch your clean diamonds with your fingers, as the oils from your hands will leave a film on the stone.
The Ultrasonic Cleaner:
There are many types of these small machines available to the public today. They will clean any piece of jewelry that can be soaked in a liquid within a matter of minutes. These machines often have a metal cup, which is filled with water and detergent. When the machine is turned on, a high-frequency turbulence is created. Avoid putting emeralds in ultrasonic cleaners.
NOTE: Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings before using these machines. The above methods are not appropriate for pearls, opals, lapis, corals and many other gems. A very quick dip in plain lukewarm water is suggested for these fragile pieces.
Traveling with Diamonds
Packing your precious diamond jewelry for traveling should be done with utmost care. There are many types of jewelry carrying cases that are specifically designed for jewelry travel, available in all price ranges, sizes, shapes and patterns. Most have velvet pads inside to attach pins and earrings, with special compartments for bracelets and necklaces.
Don't ever leave your jewelry on the rim of a sink when you remove it to wash your hands. It can very easily slip down the drain. When you’re away from home, don’t take off your jewelry in a public place--you may accidentally forget it and lose it forever.
Engagement Ring Guide
With her style and your budget in mind, learn how to choose the perfect diamond and setting.
Engagement Ring Guide
An engagement ring is one of the most important purchases you'll make. It represents your love and commitment, and reflects her style. The engagement ring you choose should balance an elegant setting with a high quality certified center stone for overall beauty and value. Learn more:
Set Your Budget
When setting your budget, keep in mind that you are purchasing both a setting and a center stone. The familiar standard of spending two months' salary on an engagement ring is a good starting point. Before you settle on a specific amount to spend, take some time to learn what qualities you're looking for in both a diamond and a setting. Regardless of what style engagement ring you choose, it should be of the best possible quality available in your price range. Diamond.com carries only the highest quality diamonds for every budget.
Learn About Diamonds
Like any important purchase, you should understand what you're buying before choosing a diamond. Our Education center includes all the information you'll need to make a confident, informed decision. Learning about the Four Cs (cut, color, clarity and carat weight) and certification will help you determine which qualities are most important to you and her.
Start with Shape
From round to Asscher cut and even heart-shaped, Diamond.com carries 9 beautiful shapes of diamonds allowing you to choose a shape that best fits her style. Round diamond are the most popular center stones followed by Princess and Emerald
What Size?
Bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to diamonds. It's important to choose a diamond that fits within your budget. Once you determine what you can afford, you will be able to choose forma variety of diamonds that will ensure you will get the perfect ring at substantial value.
Educate Yourself With the 4C's
The Four C's are the essential facts about diamonds that you should know before buying a diamond. Educating yourself on these four key pricing and grading criteria (cut, clarity, color and carat weight) will make you a better consumer.
Cut: The quality of a diamond's cut impacts its brilliance and scintillation.
Color: A diamond is considered "white" or "fancy" (shades of pink, blue or yellow). The 4C's only apply to white diamonds. The most valuable white diamonds are colorless, or possess no tints of yellow or brown.
Clarity: Clarity refers to the presence of "inclusions", or flaws, in a diamond. The fewer flaws a diamond has, the more valuable it is.
Carat weight: Measures a diamond's weight. All other factors being equal, the larger the diamond, the more expensive the stone.
Choose the Right Ring
The setting style, type of metal, and diamond shape all play a part in the overall look of the ring. Her personal style will help guide you in your engagement ring selection. Our Design Your Ring tool allows you to search easily and quickly to create her the perfect ring.
Start with Material
From 14K yellow gold, to 18K white gold and even platinum, Diamond.com carries over 5 materials to choose from. Select a material that best fits your needs and is within your desired budget.
Set Your Stone In Style
From Solitaire to Three stone, finejewelthai.com carries many different engagement setting styles. The most popular settings are set with sidestones. Adding extra diamonds or gemstones further enhances the beauty of the ring. The sidestones are set evenly with the band in a channel setting. Solitaire settings are simple, yet make a striking statement on her hand. The band is set with a single elegant diamond in the center. Depending on the amount of prongs the diamond will show more or less light. Bridal sets allow you to comfortably wear a beautiful matching engagement ring with your wedding band.
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