GUIDE FOR SERVICING PALLADIUM JEWELRY The reintroduction of white, bright and light PALLADIUM for use in the jewelry industry has quickly introduced an expanding assortment of palladium stock items offered in a variety of palladium alloys. These alloys contain 950 parts of palladium and 50 parts of other metals (this portion of the alloy may vary among suppliers). | |
The most common alloy component is ruthenium, which, along with palladium belongs to the platinum group of noble metals. Ruthenium usually comprises about 4.8 percent of the 5% mixture, leaving room for trace elements of other metals that improve working, wearing or casting characteristics. This alloy combination is suitable for general purposes such as casting and fabricating and has an as-cast Vickers hardness of about 130 depending upon the specific mixture. | |
It is very important to know about the 950 palladium alloy that you are working with and to become familiar with its compatible features. Because the ingredients of 950 palladium alloys vary, so may factors such as color and working characteristics. For the best results when sizing, servicing or building jewelry pieces at the bench, use like materials. More information here http://www.luxurypalladium.com GENERAL COMPARATIVE WHITE JEWELRY METAL STATISTICS |
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